"God Bless the Dream, the Dreamer and the Result." 

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

GOP You Tube Debate: Gut Reactions

Written by: Brian Deines
Joboja Staff Writer

In the aftermath of the You Tube Republican Debate and you realize the GOP has no electable options.

As a group, they provided enough fluff to fill a flat-bed with Easter Peeps. It makes me slightly queasy just thinking about it.

But as Candidates, no one created separation and each man showed major electability flaws.

I wonder, do they realize they are Republicans? Have they thanked the sitting President for making the entire Republican nomination process a moot point?

Gut Reaction: Fight Fluff with Fluff

Mike Huckabee: (28% in Iowa) His strategy is to never answer a question. Instead humor and personality got him through the day, which was weird because I still think he looks like Nixon. Can jokes (and Chuck Norris) actually earn him the nomination? As a friend said, the Republicans "looked like a bunch of Ass-Clowns", so its possible. But just like when he shed the 100 pounds, Huckabee eventually needs to trim the fat. Otherwise, it is a room full of asses, and he is the class clown.

Rudy Giuliani: (12% in Iowa) It will be a gift if to the Dems if Rudy Giuliani ends up with the nod because the man is a freak. There is so much to attack. His record as Mayor of New York outside one week back in 2001. The murky personal life. How frantic he looked standing between two tall men... the lisp (I mean list) goes on and on.

Mitt Romney: (24% in Iowa) Handsome Morman--If I represent the majority of Americans, that is all I know about Mitt Romney, aka Mormenitty. I guess you can say average Americans "don't know Mitt." Which can be explained by another four-letter word: lazy. Tough luck, at least he looks the part, which was enough for Tom Ridge. (Note to Romney ... everyone hates the Red Sox now too.)

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