Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Case for Barry
Written By: Matthew C.K. Bradwell
Creative Editor
Increased media coverage.
Higher ticket sales.
Larger national interest.
And a few historic* home runs.
Those are the reasons that the Tampa Bay Rays (still doesn’t sound right) should sign Barry Bonds.
Sure, there are the obvious drawbacks. Bonds brings with him an almost unprecedented media circus, the scorn of baseball writers across the country, a really big chair and the risk of being unable to play due to his indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice. And he’s not exactly the most upbeat guy on the planet.
(I would also have included fan alienation as one of Bonds pitfalls, but you need to have fans for that to be a concern)
But if no press is bad press, the Rays could stand only to gain from signing the demonized slugger.
Tampa Bay has had the misfortune of playing in the AL Northeastern Coastal Cities division since it’s inception in 1998 and has yet to finish above .500 or higher than fourth place. They do consistently out sell the cross-state Marlins, but to deem them a successful franchise based on that comparison would be the same as rewarding a D student for outscoring Forrest Gump on an aptitude test.
But thing’s aren’t all bad in Tampa Bay. Scott Kazmir, Dioner Navarro, Willy Aybar, Rocco Baldelli, Carl Crawford and B.J. Upton represent a group of gifted young players who are capable of developing into a talented core. Highly touted third base prospect Evan Longoria is waiting in the minor leagues and will likely see big league playing time this season. The franchise continues to benefit from revenue sharing, making a splash in the 2006 off-season, signing Japanese infielder Akinori Iwanmura. All of these factors should combine to make the Rays a competitive team.
In 2011.
Before then, general manager Andrew Friedman needs focus on building as much revenue as possible so they can sign the young players to long-term deals and continue to improve via free agency.
Bonds represents the perfect opportunity for the Rays to get cash fast. Future almost-Hall-of-Famer Omar Vizquel told Sports Illustrated that he likes not having Bonds around because it allows the team to focus primarily on baseball. That’s all well and good for the Giants, but the Rays have no business just focusing on baseball in 2008. They are not going to win their division, not by any stretch of the imagination, they probably won’t even sniff a .500 record and will have serious competition from the Baltimore Orioles for a fourth place finish.
But they can use Bonds to get attention and attention begets revenue and in today’s MLB, revenue begets success.
Besides, it’s not like the Rays are afraid to use nonsensical disproportionate beast-things to appeal to their fans.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A Date to Remember
Written by: Bob Rehak
Edited by: Sharon Estill
Joboja Staff Writers
Carrot Top turned 41 on Monday.
I’m sure that you felt a myriad of emotions when you read that news. Some of you were shocked to see his name in print, for any reason. Ever. Some of you were surprised that he was that old.
If Monday was your birthday, you were surprised to learn you share your birthday with a 41-year-old man whose legal name belongs in a Veggie-tales movie. If you just found out that you share your special day with Scott Thompson, aka “Carrot Top,” I’m sure that you are quick to add Jim Backus (Thurston Howell III from “Gilligan’s Island”) and actress Tea Leoni to the list recited to family and friends. Sure, one’s been dead since 1989 and the other’s career has been dead since 1999, but they take the sting out of that whole Carrot Top association, don’t you think?
If February 25th was your birthday you also share your cake with Oliver and James Phelps, aka Fred and George Weasly of “Harry Potter” movie fame. Sorry, that’s all I have for you at this time. February 25th just wasn’t that big for celebrity births.
Everyone associates their birthdays with a celebrity or two, and I think it’s funny that people are always shocked when they find out who their birthday buddies are. “Hey! Look at THAT! Albert Einstein was born on MY birthday! Woo-hoo!”
If you want to know who had the good fortune to be born the same day of the year as you, check out
I’m not sure why it’s so shocking to learn who else was born on your birthday. After all, everyone has a birthday, even celebrities. They also have laundry, cavities in their mouths, favorite jeans, leftovers in the fridge and bills next to the phone. They just have way BETTER laundry, cavities, jeans, leftovers and bills next to the phone (they also have much better phones).
We tend to take more pride in our association with the ‘good’ celebrities who share our birthdays. Were you born on May 29? Congratulations, you share your day with John F. Kennedy. But chances are you’ve been telling people that ever since you first found out, as if by association you share more than just that 1-in-366 chance of having been born on the same day. As if you share some kind of “birthday genetics."
Conversely, if you were born on April 20, you most likely try to ignore the fact that Adolf Hitler donned a party hat on that same date several times in his wretched life. Your birthday also has the stain of Columbine on it.
If you were born on December 7, you know better than anyone else what happened on that date in 1941.
Sometimes your birthday has nothing to do with the Zodiac or history. Sometimes it’s just that your Mom couldn’t hold back any longer. Celebrity birthdays and key dates in history are all just happenstance when it comes to your birthday. Your birthday has nothing to do with who you are or how your life turned out. Your birthday was a random roll of the dice.
My birthday is different, of course. It’s coming up this Sunday, and I have known for a very long time that I share my date on the calendar with Dr. Seuss, which gave me just about the best birthday genetics you could ever get. After all, who doesn’t love Dr. Seuss? March 2nd is also a very musical date. I share my birthday with Jon Bon Jovi. Eddie Money and Desi Arnaz.
All of those celebrities are enviable, I know, and at first glance it would seem that I should be happy with all that good fortune, but Dr. Seuss and his band have nothing to do with making mine the best birth date ever.
Because of my birth date, I found the love of my life.
I was always shy, and when I was 17, I started the best job I ever had, delivering pizzas for a local restaurant. My wife, Sheri, worked in the back room, answering the phones. I would make excuses to spend time in the phone room with her, often at the expense of our customers’ orders. If your pizza seemed a little colder than it did the week before, Sheri was probably working that night. Sorry, but I was smitten.
At the end of the night I would pace myself just right, so that she’d be putting on her coat just as I was cashing out the night’s receipts. (I use the same method now to catch her coming down the hall at home. I’m still smitten.)
I would ask her if she needed a ride home. At first, someone would always come to pick her up, or her sister’s boyfriend would give her a ride home. (He also worked at the restaurant as a delivery driver, but I was younger and faster and earned better tips. It’s a delivery guy thing.)
Finally, after 42 pace-exits, Sheri got the hint and allowed me to give her a ride home. I probably could have saved a lot of effort if I had just slipped her sister’s boyfriend $5 to beat it, but I was saving for college.
Anyway, I finally got to drive her home—very slowly—and we talked about more than just pizza sauce and shredded mozzarella. I ran out of topics after the weather and the Cubs, so I asked her when her birthday was. She said March 2nd,. The same date as mine. I thought she was pulling my leg, so I asked to see her driver’s license, and there it was. Kismet. The same birthday, one year younger. My smitten-ness doubled. The stars were aligned forever. Our rides home became more frequent until they were just a given.
I don’t know if it was my charming Seuss-ness or the intoxicating smell of pizza emanating throughout my Mustang that turned her head around, but she finally agreed to go out on a date with me. Three years later, we were married.
Sharing your birthday with a celebrity is coincidental, amusing and part of your own personal trivia. Sharing it with the love of your life is magical.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Are You a VIP? How KIND are you?
Written by: Lisa Minns
Edited by Kate Kliner
Joboja Staff Writers
Not too long ago, I accepted an invitation to join in on an event that was being offered by the South Florida VIP’s. For those of you who may not be familiar with this organization, South Florida VIP’s is a networking group as well as a social network. Monies raised benefit KIND (Kids in New Directions). For this particular event, there was a scavenger hunt. Yep, you read that right. A scavenger hunt. Get a list, find stuff and off you go. This scavenger hunt started at Dada’s and ended with an after party at Deluxe. I was discussing the possibility of going to this event with my friend, Tammy. She was a little cautious about it all. She had the feeling that maybe it wasn’t for us since after all, we did scavenger hunts when we were in middle school. She had a very good point. However, here’s how I looked at it... it was a fun night out, an opportunity to do some good and give to a childrens' charity and I also figured it would be a great opportunity to meet new men! Follow me. Seriously, follow me on this. Half of the battle is working up the nerve to talk to someone new and actually going up to them to talk to him. What is better than a competition? Men are competitive by nature. What's better than to have a list of random items to find? See a cutie? Ask him if he has something that’s on the list.
So, the night of the hunt arrived. I was ready. My friends were ready. We were sooo gonna win this thing. I had talked to all of my friends who worked on Atlantic Avenue and they were fully prepared to help us and only us. What’s that you say? Not fair? Whatever. I’m a woman. We don’t cheat, we find loopholes. Then the hunt began. We were split into teams and given an envelope. In the envelope was a list of rules and a list of questions to answer. Say what? Questions? I so didn’t bargain for that one. We had to figure out a question about each location, go that location, answer subsequent questions about it and then grab something such as matches, napkins, etc. that would prove we had been there. I’m not very good at riddles, but I’m from Delray Beach through and through and I hate to loose. Bring it on. Our team consisted not only of myself and 2 friends but also of several people I had never meant. No worries. They were very nice people.
So we went on the hunt. I have to say that we were doing a very good job of working together, solving the riddles, answering the questions. Things were going well. Except for that whole pie question. No, it wasn’t written like pie the food, it was written like pie the mathematical symbol. We finally figured out the answer was Sazio... as in pizza pie. Yep, big smack on the forehead for that one. Then there was Hurricane’s. I know the owner, Pasquale so not a big deal. Until I walked in and was face to face with the ex’s parents. This was the ex that broke up with me after a year of dating by text message. Wasn’t quite expecting to see his parents. Hadn’t seen them in over a year. However, this was not the time or the place for the ensuing confrontation. Get the answers and keep moving. This was a timed contest. Did I mention that I hate to lose?
We made it through all 11 locations. We were feeling pretty confident in our answers. Met some very cool people along the way and made new friends within our group. Things were good. Did we get proof from each location that we had been there? What? No? Time to split up and go get them. Hurry! Got the proof and met back at Deluxe well within the hour and a half time limit. We so rock. Those bottle of champagne are so ours. Chatted it up at Deluxe with other scavenger hunt players and things were going well. Until one guy spilled his drink... all down the front of my jeans. No worries, they are jeans, they will dry. When I told him that next drink was on him, he laughed and walked away. He had a lot to learn. Then the moment of truth came: the winners announcement. Third place goes too... team number four! What? That was us. What do you mean third place? Okay, so I know it’s only a game and it’s for charity. Did I mention how much I hate to lose? We took it in stride though. We did it for fun.
All in all, the South Florida VIP’s experience was a very positive one. The fact that it benefited KIND made it even better. Think about it, as a single, on a normal weekend night out, you will spend quite a few dollars, talk to people who may or may not be single and roam from bar to bar….why not do all of that for a children’s charity? Do something good with your time and money. While most of the people at the scavenger hunt seemed to already know each other, not once did my friends and I feel like outsiders. People continuously talked to us and made us feel welcome. Well, except for the drink spilled down my leg. I’m gonna let that one go though. Check out their calendar at and I’ll see you at the next event because I am definitely going back!
How was your Valentine’s Day? Not what you wanted it to be? Meeting “the one” takes time. Sometimes up to four minutes! RSVP to a HurryDate party today at Visit me at
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sales Associate
Aggreko is the market leader in rental power, temperature control and compressed air services, delivering value through our service, people, teamwork and performance.
Power your career with confidence, Aggreko, confidence in action!
A high energy, focused and driven person is needed to expand our current customer base in the Chicago area.
Under the supervision of the Area Sales Manager, the Sales Associate will develop sales skills and processes to enhance current and potential customer relationships while utilizing internal resources to offer exceptional value to our customers. The Sales Associate will also strive to obtain or surpass the monthly, quarterly and yearly revenue budgets in line with the policies of the company and the listed job duties.
Areas of Responsibility and Accountability
- Focus on primarily the Construction, Rental Re-hire, Selected Services, Local Events and Utility - Transmission and Distribution industries
- Compiles lists of prospective customers from various sources for use as sales leads.
- Calls on regular and prospective customers by phone or by traveling throughout assigned territory to understand and develop opportunities and close sales.
- Quote prices, contract terms, estimated delivery date and credit terms.
- Builds strong customer relationships through high levels of service, follow-up and understanding of the customers’ needs.
- Maintains accurate customer database.
- Prepares competition studies.
- Prepare sales contracts for orders obtained.
- Initiates marketing campaigns, including but not limited to, telemarketing and mail-outs.
- Follows up on all marketing response leads to qualify needs as well as pending inquiries on a regular basis.
- Calls and researches target markets for future development.
The desired background for this position includes:
- Bachelors Degree
- Must have positive enthusiasm and a high energy level
- High level of self-motivation
- Adaptability to change
- Excellent customer service and communication skills
- Willingness and ability to work as a team member and individual
- A focus on delivering revenue and profit
- Proficiency with MS Office and customer relations management software
- Experience in the equipment rental industry or selling to similar markets is a bonus
- Based on success, promotion and/or relocation available within 1 to 2 years
Our compensation package includes:
- Competitive Base Salary
- Bonus plan
- Company Vehicle
- Profit sharing
- Stock purchase plan
- 401(k) with company match
- 3 weeks leave with 4 weeks after 5 years
- Medical, life, dental, vision, prescription drug, AD&D, and disability insurance
Aggreko is an equal opportunity employer.
To Apply for this position, please CLICK HERE

Service Manager
NES Rentals Holdings, Inc. is one of the nation's largest full-service companies in the $26 billion equipment rental industry. We focus on renting specialty and general equipment to industrial and construction end users. NES rents more than 750 types of machinery and equipment, and distributes new equipment for nationally recognized original equipment manufacturers. In addition to our equipment sales and rental business, NES is the second largest supplier of traffic safety services to the construction industry.
The Service Manager provides leadership, functional expertise and direction in the maintenance shop area in a way that assures a safe working environment, equipment is maintained in a cost effective manner, and equipment downtime is minimized so the desired business objectives are achieved.
A Bachelor's degree in Business or equivalent work experience is required. A minimum of three years experience managing mechanics and technicians on industrial and construction equipment is necessary as well as knowledge of OSHA standards. PC skills (Excel, PowerPoint and Access) are highly desirable.
NES Rentals Holdings Inc. offers a competitive salary, growth potential and an excellent benefits package including medical, dental, vision, tuition reimbursement, and 401(k) plans. NES Rentals Holdings, Inc. recognizes and values diversity. We are an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer M/F/D/V
Company Drivers Owner OPERATORS Tired of sitting when we?re running? Run Regional Lanes- East of Miss River! *Unbeatable HOME Time* 800-333-4463 X 1136/74 or apply on-line Venture Logistics, Inc. The way to Ride.
Parts Support Specialist
The Parts Support Specialist assists in the handling of daily activities of the Branch equipment fleet parts needs including material receipts, deliveries, as well as, completion of necessary paperwork to accurately and timely record activities of the parts department. The position requires extensive contact and close working relationship with customers, all managers and department heads at the branch.
1. Accurately prepares the branch's paperwork, resolves and reconciles any discrepancies in systems used for Parts, merchandise, and fleet inventory.
2. Insure timeliness of all fleet parts asset reporting.
3. Helps coordinate Cycle Counts and Physical Inventories.
4. Assists with evaluation of cycle counts and helps coordinate adjustments.
5. Prepares daily, weekly or monthly reports as required.
6. Maintains an efficient and safe environment in which to work.
1. Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
2. Deadline conscious and a sense of urgency.
3. Accomplishes set goals.
4. Computer skills: MTA mainframe, PC using Word, Excel, etc.
5. Creative in approach to problem solving.
6. Good working knowledge of inventory control functions.
7. Good knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles.
8. Must be able to work with all levels of management.
9. Must sign acknowledgment of reading and understanding the Company’s safety policy, and at all times must adhere to all Company safety rules and regulations.
1. Must possess a minimum of one year electronic inventory control experience, preferably in the sales and rental of power equipment in the industrial and construction industry.
2. College degree preferred; minimum of high school education required.
NES Rentals Holdings Inc. offers a competitive salary, growth potential and an excellent benefits package including medical, dental, vision, tuition reimbursement, and 401(k) plans. NES Rentals Holdings, Inc. recognizes and values diversity. We are an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer M/F/D/V
Dir Business Operations
The Director of Business Operations for the City of Chicago Area is responsible for all budget and financial management in that area. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to: financial planning, analysis, management reporting, expense accruals, forecasting and annual budgeting as well as assurance and compliance of all internal operational business controls. Duties may include meeting and/or exceeding P&L and operational performance requirements. This individual will also provide leadership and direction to the area leaders to ensure partnering across functional departments to deliver effective operations. The optimal candidate will also coordinate the timely distribution of monthly information pertaining to subscribers and operating and financial results. The Director of Business Operations will provide comprehensive financial and operational performance recommendations; provide financial data to senior management on a timely and consistent basis; review and analyze departmental budgets to determine trends in and efectiveness of various strategies; implement annual budget and operating plan, including workforce justifications and capitalization strategies; oversee and ensure compliance with all audit activities and promote Think Customer First objectives.Punctual, regular, and consistent attendance.
Bachelor's Degree required, Master's preferred; 5-10 years of management level experience in accounting,finance or general management, preferably in the cable or telecommunications industry; high level of quantitative analysis skills and ability to translate analysis into actionable items; demonstrated experience monitoring internal controls; previous experience with budgeting and forecasting; demonstrated history of successful leadership positions; demonstrated experience managing large groups; outstanding people management/development skills; excellent written and oral communications skills; punctual, regular, and consistent attendance. Comcast is an Equal Employment Opportunity
Comcast is an EEO
If interested, please apply online at
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Lure of the Timeshare
Written by: Yana Berlin
You planned this trip a long time ago. You anticipated this day for weeks or months, and finally the plane is about to land. You arrive at this airport every year, and every year the same things shock you. Rather than disembarking through a nice, air-conditioned ramp, you get dropped off in the middle of the runway, amazed that the distance to the gate is at least a quarter of a mile.
As you clear customs, you can’t hide a smile as to how primitive things remain here, and yet you keep coming year after year because you love Mexico. As soon as you walk out, you are bombarded with 10 muchachas inviting you to their special resort, a resort of your dreams -- a resort that will introduce you to a concept called “timeshare.”
There’s no obligation other than 90 minutes of your precious time, and they offer all kinds of frills, including cash. One of the amigos looks very sincere, and doesn’t seem to push or yell as the others do. You sympathize, thinking he is new, and the next thing you know you are sitting in a private limo watching your kids, who are obliviously happy sipping their coca colas, compliments of the amigo and the resort.
As you enter your hotel lobby for check-in, you are told that your room is not yet ready because this year they overbooked by 30%-- a typical Mexican error that by now you are accustomed to. So you take everyone out to a late lunch and enjoy the view. A few hours and many drinks later, you really don’t care that the room is not to your liking. After all, how many hours will you actually be there?
You finally unpack, get everyone situated, and begin to relax.
A Spur of the Moment Decision
In the morning you are awakened by a phone call from the same nice amigo, who today sounds loud and obnoxious and reminds you that you are late for your presentation. You look at the clock and see that it’s not even 8:00 a.m. But the cab is waiting outside, so you frantically pull on your jeans and rush out the door, cursing the day that you agreed to this arrangement.
You arrive at the timeshare resort, where your promised breakfast consists of beans and potatoes. You respectfully decline their offer to eat, and instead settle for a cold cerveza. After all, it’s almost 8:30 and you are on vacation. You are shown luxurious rooms, restaurants and a beautiful spa that can all be yours for a small fee. No more overbooking and other inconveniences at the hotel every year. You can now own your own room!
To introduce you to the concept of timeshare, a salesperson skillfully draws charts, calculates numbers and designs your future vacation plans for the next 30 years. The agent assures you that this purchase can be deducted on your income tax as a second residence. He also points out that your ownership is transferable to your children and other family members. And should you decide to vacation anywhere else in the world, you can simply change destinations with one phone call.
You start to hyperventilate when you hear that the price of this “great deal” costs more than the brand new Lexus that you just passed on. But then the agent explains how much money you will save over the years, the convenience of being the owner, and the 50% savings on all future accommodations should you choose to stay in their resorts at this or any other destination.
As you sip your third margarita and look over the numbers, you can’t help yourself. To your surprise and amazement, you reach for your credit card and start signing.
All That Glitters is Not Gold
Fast-forward six months later.
You just received a schedule for the kids’ school year, with the exact dates of their summer, winter, and spring vacations. You decide to book that holiday trip you bought and started paying for six month ago. You dial the number and listen as the senorita on the other end pleasantly tells you that summer, winter, spring breaks, and major holidays must be booked one year in advance. Yes, she understands your frustration and concern, but she is unable to help in this matter.
You then inquire about your discounted rate for the room and the availability. When she quotes a price of $525 a night, you gasp for air and hang up the phone. Next, you try several other options that were promised at the time of the sale, but they fail to generate any fruitful results.
But don’t be devastated just yet. Here’s the good news:
Timeshare is a system that works very well if you know how to use it. Yes, you need to call on November 21 of 2006 to book your room for Thanksgiving of 2007. Rest assured that if you wait even one day, they will be sold out. Also, plan on spending a few hours on the phone to get through because there are thousands of “owners” just like you trying to book their reservations for those same dates.
If you decide to bank your week in hopes of visiting a new destination, understand that it might not happen on the date or at the place you would like. However, if you’re okay with booking a reservation two years ahead, you should not have a problem.
Know that your room comes with an annual maintenance fee, which usually runs between $500 and $900, depending on the size of your room. This fee needs to be paid regardless of whether or not you use your week.
Most of all, be aware that what you are told during the sale is not always true. For example, when we were suckered into buying our timeshare, we were told that the ocean was okay to swim in. We later found out that was a lie; that the Pacific side of the ocean is too dangerous for swimming.
If you have a large family and plan to visit the same spot year after year, timeshare can offer some advantages if you plan ahead and know how to use the system. However, if you are spontaneous and adventurous, don’t be in a hurry to pull out your credit card. It may be a decision you will later regret.
If you decide to buy a timeshare, never do it on the spur of the moment. Consider all the ramifications of such a major purchase and then shop, shop, shop! There’s a huge market of second hand time-shares available on the Internet and through private parties, and these often offer much better deals.
If you need help or have any questions, please email me. I learned a trick or two over the last few years, and would be glad to help you.
All the best,
We are always eager to hear from you. Feel free to comment on articles, post your blogs and send us your suggestions. .
About The Author
Yana Berlin is the founder and CEO of, devoted to the celebration of all things, primarily women and the challenges and joys they face juggling their careers, children, relationships, and life’s other issues. Fabulously is a social network for women that catalyzes its members to celebrate and embrace their life. Since launching Join us as we embark on our journey to the best times of our lives at
Source: articlecity
BUSIEST BENNIGANS IN the country is looking to hire fun, outgoing waitstaff and hoststaff with lots of energy for our highest volume location. Be part of some of the most popular events in Chicago such as the St. Patrick's Day Parade, Jazz and Celtic Fest, Lollapalooza, concerts at Northerly Island, The Air and Water Show, Bears games and the most exciting addition to our city, Millennium Park. Also, our famous outdoor patio is soon to be in full swing. We draw a tremendous amount of business from the Art Institute of Chicago, Symphony Center and the Field Museum. This will enable you to make awesome money! If you can handle an extremely fast-paced environment and have a high energy and endurance level, this job is for you. Apply in person Monday thru Friday between 8am-10am and 2pm-4pm at 150 S Michigan Ave. With all of the major Chicago events taking place right next to us, you would be crazy not to apply.
Litigation Support Sales / Legal Doucment Management Sales
DUPLiCA, Incorporated offers a suite of reprographic and document management solutions to corporate, legal, government, and educational institutions in the greater Chicagoland area. We are looking for energetic self-starters that want to work in a fast-paced environment. New account managers undergo a 2 week training course that combines general sales training, training on industry-specific products and services, as well as training on DUPLiCA’s state-of-the-art production and client management system.
This is an outside sales position for DUPLiCA’s Legal Document Management Division (LDMD).
Major Responsibilities
Prospecting for new clients and business opportunities
Profiling current clients for new users and needs
Building relationship with new and existing clients to increase client retention
Account Mangers will take part in picking up and delivering jobs to their clients
Assisting team member where necessary
Providing Management Team with periodic progress reports
Organizing and taking part in client appreciation activities
All new account managers are assigned current house accounts as they continue to prove their ability to service DUPLiCA’s client base.
4 year college degree or equivalent sales / marketing experience
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Experienced in a business2business sales environment preferred
Strong Organization and Time Management skills
Proficient in PC applications including Word, Excel, and Outlook
Well qualified applicants will have a client-oriented focus directed toward providing each client with a unique solution to meet their needs, present clients with cost-saving alternatives to business as usual, and provided the superior level customer service our clients have come to expect.
Base Salary + Aggressive Commission
Periodic Bonus programs based both on revenue and performance indicators
Expense Reimbursement
Periodic Sales Contests
All new account managers are provided with all the tools necessary for success, including, warm and hot leads, knowledgeable sales management team, proficient production department, extensive product and service training, company paid cell phone, expense reimbursement, and more.
Ten Paid Vacation Days per Year
Five Paid Sick Days
Seven Paid Holidays
Company Paid Life Insurance
Comprehensive Health Insurance (HMO/PPO)
Dental Insurance
Catastrophic Coverage
Commuter Benefits
...and more!
Not a fit for this position? See what else we have to offer at
Neighborhood: Edgewater
Job Type: Part-time
Personal Care Assistant, non-smoker for Wheelchair bound man once or twice per week, 9:00 a.m. overnight to 9:00 a.m. next day. Sleep disorder,oxygen,requires heavy lifting. Sheridan Road. (773)275-3881.
Assistant Teacher, Infants
Neighborhood: Uptown/ Buena Park
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: $19,431
Responsibilities: Assists the Teacher will curriculum and developmental issues. Assist in writing and implementing teaching plans. Participate with the classroom education team in implementing Christopher House objectives. Participate in the introduction of and teaching of developmental skills, including concepts of numbers, shapes, colors, textures, music, etc., thus providing growth and learning opportunities. Participate in planning field trips and other activities. Attend consultations with Christopher House staff to determine treatment and/or educational plans for individual students. Ensure a safe, healthy and clean environment for the children. Share responsibility for classroom maintenance and orderliness. Assume responsibility for classroom supplies and equipment. Assists the Teacher in ensuring that the ECDS program is in compliance with HS, State Pre-K and Child Care contractual mandates as it relates to child assessment. Assists the Teacher with the National Reporting System, Creative Curriculum, Portfolio, ESI-R Screenings, Ages and Stages Social and Emotional Questionnaire and Parent Teacher Conferences. Assist the Teacher in planning and conducting parent-teacher conferences and home visits twice a year. Assists Program Director, ECDS, Site Director, Pre-K Master Teacher and supervising Teacher in the ongoing process of assuring the highest quality programming and best practices as well as NAEYC Accreditation and re-accreditation processes occurs at site level.
Qualifications: Two years of experience (full-time) in a birth through three year old classroom, preferably in a HS or governmentally funded child care program. Bi-lingual skills in a variety of languages is a plus. Must be able to lift at least 50 lbs.
Education: Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education or Child Development, with a minimum of six semester or nine quarter hours in courses related directly to child care and/or child development, from birth to age six.
Respond with cover letter and resume to: Karen Ross-Williams, Site Director 4701 N Winthrop, Chicago Il. 60640 Fax: 773-769-6362 Email:
Master Pre-K Teacher 2yr olds
Neighborhood: Logan Square
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: $40,000
Responsibilities: Supervises: Teaching Staff in the Two’s Rooms. Provide technical assistance, advisement, support and role modeling to members of Two’s teaching staff in curriculum and developmental issues. Ensures the safety of the children in a healthy environment and serves as a positive role model. Assist in the development of curriculum used in two’s classrooms. Coordinates monthly teacher meetings to ensure on-going cooperation among staff and to ensure that individual teachers are working towards a unified approach to two’s development; maintain a strong classroom presence. Ensure compliance with all curriculum related to funding and licensing requirements pertaining to Two’s program. Review lesson plans on a weekly basis, make any recommendations for needed changes and follow through on implementation of lesson plans. Provides a copy each week to the Associate Director of Education and Curriculum, Associate Director of Parent Involvement and Food Service, Associate Director of Training and Development and Manager of Health and Disabilities. Meet with the teaching staff and the Manager of Health and Disabilities to ensure compliance to and an understanding of appropriate health and nutrition practices. Coordinate portfolio assessments of all children in a timely manner. Conduct classroom observations monthly. Ensure that parent-teacher conferences are conducted twice a year and assist teachers in both preparation and conducting these conferences, as needed.
Ensures ECDS program is in compliance with EHS, State Pre-K and Child Care contractual mandates as it relates to child assessment. Provide training, support and follow up to program staff regarding the HAWAII Early Learning Profile (H.E.L.P.), Ages and Stages and Ages and Stages Social Emotional Questionnaire, Portfolio and Parent Teacher Conferences. Assists Program Director, ECDS and Site Director in the ongoing process of assuring the highest quality programming and best practices as well as NAEYC Accreditation and re-accreditation processes occurs at each appropriate site.
Qualifications: Three to five years of direct experience working with Infant, Toddlers and Two Year Olds, preferably in a Head Start and governmentally funded child care program. Supervisory experience is required. Bilingual skills in a variety of languages are a plus.
Education: Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood Education is required with 04 certification. In addition, a certificate specializing in Infants, Toddlers and Two’s is preferred.
Respond with cover letter and resume to: Maria Gonzalez, Site Director 3255 W Altgeld Chicago, IL 60647 Fax: 773-235-4073
Christoher House is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Experienced Phone Representatives
Downtown firm needs experienced telephone Customer Service Representatives, with professional, articulate voice, energetic attitude. Some college, outbound calls only. Afternoon, evening work, one weekend day required. $13 to $16 per hour. To apply, leave message at 312.276.5405.
Kitty health care in February
February is National Spay/Neuter Month, and the Tree House Animal Foundation is offering free spay/neuter packages is offering free spay/neuter packages for up to two cats per household. The service includes vaccinations, parasite treatment, pain medication, microchipping, and virus testing. To make an appointment leave your name and number at 773-784-5488, ext. 229. They say they'll call back within 24 hours.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
General Electric Internships
GE offers full-time, paid internships to qualified candidates at each of our GE Businesses. Gain hands-on experience while working on challenging projects, network with professionals and learn from some of the brightest minds in business.
GE also offers co-ops to four-year college students who want to work more than 12 weeks while maintaining their college schedules. Co-ops allow students to contribute to and learn from exciting projects and network with GE professionals.
Co-ops typically last between three and nine months, and most times, run from January to June or June to December. Check the cooperative education office at your school before applying to make sure you can earn credit for a GE co-op.
Website/Contact Info:
General Electric Internships
GE offers full-time, paid internships to qualified candidates at each of our GE Businesses. Gain hands-on experience while working on challenging projects, network with professionals and learn from some of the brightest minds in business.
GE also offers co-ops to four-year college students who want to work more than 12 weeks while maintaining their college schedules. Co-ops allow students to contribute to and learn from exciting projects and network with GE professionals.
Co-ops typically last between three and nine months, and most times, run from January to June or June to December. Check the cooperative education office at your school before applying to make sure you can earn credit for a GE co-op.
Website/Contact Info:
Internships At Accenture
Learn what a consulting career is really like while you are still in school, with an internship at Accenture. As an intern, you will have first-hand exposure to the roles and responsibilities of an entry-level consulting analyst in the Consulting workforce.
Accenture offers internships in a number of cities and countries around the world. Usually lasting between 10 – 12 weeks, you may participate in client or internal engagements where information systems and business skills are fostered and combined to help organizations effectively apply technology for competitive advantage.
We welcome interns from a wide range of academic programs including Computer Science, Engineering, Management Information Systems, Business, Math and Natural Science. You must love technology and have previous technical, and programming aptitude and knowledge. We look for demonstrated leadership abilities, quantitative and analytical skills, along with an outstanding academic background.
Website/Contact Info:
Engineering Jobs At Arrow Electronics
At Arrow Electronics, you’ll be encouraged to develop your talents and discover new challenges in our various businesses. We offer a broad array of career opportunities and are committed to recruiting, retaining, and promoting a diverse workforce. Imagine an exciting, challenging career at a high-tech global company.
Our customers demand and receive products and services built on integrity, quality, and innovation in a company they trust. If you’re ready to work with a leading high-tech global company, you’ve come to the right place.
A career at Arrow Electronics, Inc. offers continuous opportunities for advancement with a wide range of career destinations.
Website/Contact Info:
ESSENCE Scholars Program
For 35 years, ESSENCE has been the only magazine dedicated to reflecting Black women and their lives. That mission has not changed. It has, however, evolved along with the women for whom the magazine exists.
Today's ESSENCE speaks to a reader who is defined not by her age or income by her mind-set. Rather than addressing her as a woman with one interest, one style, and one perspective - we see her and speak to her as multidimensional.
Time Warner Inc. acquired full ownership of ESSENCE Communications in 2005. ESSENCE and Time Warner share a commitment to serve the public, enrich people's lives and strengthen communities around the world.
ESSENCE, with the support of Time Warner and in partnership with UNCF, is proud to sponsor 5 scholarships to benefit African American women attending one of the UNCF member institutions, Hampton or Howard.
February 26, 2008
Award Amount:
Website/Contact Info:
AVerMedia Scholarship Award
Open to all US-based High School Seniors graduating in 2008 who are applying to US-based accredited four year colleges and universities. Simply fill out the application form, provide an official academic transcript, a professional resume including information about yourself, job history, extra curricular activities, charities, etc.
Applicants must submit a one page essay describing how you have made a positive difference in social or environmental issues, and how you plan to contribute towards a sustainable future.
Have two of your teachers, past or present provide letters of recommendations for you as to why you deserve this scholarship.
March 28, 2008
Award Amount:
Website/Contact Info:
Davidson Fellows Scholarship For Science and Technology Students
This program recognizes and awards the extraordinary. All submissions should reflect prodigious development of talents focused on creating something of significance in Math, Science, or Technology. The Davidson Institute does not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity or physical disability. All selection decisions are final.
Each application is examined for completeness and accuracy. Qualified entries are evaluated by an independent team of judges comprised of professionals with expertise in related domain areas.
Application categories include Science, Technology, Math, Music, Literature, and Philosophy.
Award Amount:
$10,000 - $50,000
March 26, 2008
Website/Contact Info:
The William Randolph Hearst Endowed Fellowship For Minority Students
The fellowship, which is based on academic excellence and need, is open to both undergraduate and graduate students who are members of minority groups and are US citizens.
The Hearst Fellow serves as an intern with the Fund. Through this program, the Fund seeks to introduce a diverse group of students to issues relating to philanthropy, voluntarism, and nonprofit organizations.
A fellowship grant of between $2,500 and $5,000 will be awarded, depending on the recipients educational level, financial need, and time commitment.
Award Amount :
$2,500 - $5,000
March 15, 2008
Website/Contact Info:
NASCAR/Wendell Scott, Sr. Scholarship
NASCAR has created a wonderful scholarship to honor Wendell Scott, Sr. He achieved a major accomplishment in the industry by becoming the first African-American to officially win a NASCAR Winston Cup Race.
The undergraduate candidates are eligible to receive a scholarship in the amount of $1,500 while the graduate candidates are eligible to receive a $2,000 scholarship.
The part-time graduate applicants must have at least a 3.2 GPA. The additional majors include Mass Media Art, Mass Communication and Computer Information Systems. In addition, candidates are encouraged to apply to NASCAR's internship program.
February 27, 2008
Award Amount:
$1,500 - $2,000
Website/Contact Info:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Don't Fall for Another Snow Job
Edited By: Sharon Estill
Joboja Staff Writers
Welcome to East Denver. That’s what I think the sign should say at O’Hare as tourists land in Chicago this month. With all the snow we’ve had so far this year, it sure feels like we live in the mountains. The weather has been the top story on the ten o’clock news for a few months now. It’s funny too, because people take the weather so seriously. Every time we get another snowfall, people get downright surly about it.
“Another four inches last night! Man, it just keeps adding to the record. Why did my parents ever decide to live here? Why? For the love of God, why?”
You’ll hear people cite the weather statistics at work: “112 inches since December. Most we’ve had in 32 years.” Yet ask those same people to cite the weight and length of their kids when they were born, and they have no idea. The weather fascinates us, irritates us and complicates our lives.
And the weathermen are getting bipolar-bear on us. One the one hand, they’re loving all the attention, being the lead story every night. On the other hand, they’re getting attitude from the news anchors. The anchor will turn to the weatherman and say, “When will this end, Jerry? Another snowstorm is headed our way this weekend. What do you have to say about that?” Then they give Jerry the disapproving look of an 8th grade teacher when she has to give the class clown the floor for his summer vacation speech.
I know that everyone is sick and tired of all this snow. Heck, I’ve resisted mentioning it myself; hoping it would all just go away and we could just start planting tulips on the weekend. I had that same thought as you on Groundhog Day when you saw Punxsutawney Phil come out and see his shadow...(hmmmmm…that groundhog would make a nice coat…).
By the way, that whole groundhog-predicting rule is backwards, isn’t it? According to the little bugger, if he sees his shadow, we’re in for six more weeks of winter. Does that make any sense? If he sees his shadow, doesn’t that mean it’s a sunny day? Mrs. Hall taught me in kindergarten over 40 years ago that the sun was good; a smiling orb that was Nature’s Santa Claus. So why does a sunny day equate to 42 more days of winter in groundhog world? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t it be six more weeks of winter if Philip never saw his shadow on February 2nd? Wouldn’t that mean it was an overcast day? Someone look into this rule and get back to me, please. I think the little rodent is pulling a scam.
Now that Phil and Brookfield Zoo’s own Cloudy the groundhog have doomed us until April, there are two ways to deal with this news (three if you count running away). You can continue to damn the cold and the snow and risk emerging from this winter with the demeanor of a high schooler given Moby Dick to read over spring break, or you can embrace the cold and the snow and welcome it into your life, even dare it to try and bring you down.
I choose the latter approach. You should look at all this snow as a good thing. For example, you can look at the past three months as justification for buying that all-wheel-drive, eight-cylinder SUV. So what if it’s costing you $98 a week just to go to Jewel for more sidewalk salt? At least you’ve got great traction.
You can tell yourself that all this snow is good for the water table and that come August, we’ll all wish for these days that have been so cold that your eyelashes break off. (That thought never works, but it’s what my Mom used to tell us every time she turned the thermostat down to 65 in January to save on the heating bill).
You can look at the snow as adult Legos. Build something with it. For some reason the current younger generation has no interest in snow forts. When was the last time you saw one in your neighborhood? Build one in your front yard to remind them what one looks like. If they still think it’s lame, run an extension cord into it and put an X-Box inside. Think of it as a mousetrap for teens.
Start a snowball fight with some kids. Any kids. You don’t even have to know them. You run away; they run away. You charge at them; they charge at you. Rounds and rounds of balls of ice and snow are exchanged at high rates of speed. It’s a good workout for everyone. Sure, occasionally someone catches an earful of snow, but that builds character and creates lasting memories. Plus, you don’t even know those kids, so what do you care?
If you’re really sick of the snow, create snow crop circles on the neighbor’s lawn when he’s asleep. The next morning he’ll look out his window and call the Channel 7 Eyeteam to investigate. You get a good laugh, and he gets Chuck Goudie’s autograph. It’s a win-win situation.
Trust me; all this snow will be gone soon enough. I’ve seen some telltale signs that it’s almost over. Pitchers and catchers have already reported to Spring Training. My sump pump spits out a few gallons of water every 22 minutes. And the surest sign yet that spring is almost here: Tom Skilling just saw his shadow!
Categorization in the Workplace
Written by: W. Parker
Edited by: Julia Wolfe
Joboja Staff Writers
Categorizing exists in the workplace. What is the difference between a temporary employee and a full-time employee? The only difference I see and have experienced is that one worker gets benefits along with their salary and the other just gets paid.
Although they have different classifications, they are both human beings, and both contribute to the bottom line and overall success of the company. In fact, employers have to be careful because they don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to secure a talented employee for the future growth of their company.
As a temporary employee I have seen how management and other employees relate to their temps in comparison to one another. Although a temp has been thrust into a situation and are new on the scene, that doesn’t mean that he or she shouldn’t be treated with dignity and respect.
Several times I’ve been in situations in which I wasn’t referred to by name, and was given more work than was agreed upon by my staffing agency. It feels humiliating and demeaning to be treated like a piece of property by the employers.
I recall a situation when I worked for an insurance firm in their documents department. I sat in an area with their full-time employees, who often looked at me like I was an alien just arrived from planet Zoltar. In the mornings, some management and other employees would not even look in my direction, let alone speak to me. Instead of acting like they were, I took it upon myself to be cordial and say hi.
There was one young lady who sat across from me for who didn’t bother to introduce herself, and extended no help to me for two weeks into my assignment. She held conversations with a gentleman who sat next to me, but didn’t bother to acknowledge my presence. I wanted to quit, but it was my only source of income at the time.
Then one day the man and I were talking about a young woman who had been found brutally murdered. I told him that I had attended college with her. The previously unfriendly young lady interrupted our conversation to say she had gone to high school with her.
I was shocked and appalled that she introduced herself to me that way. I chose not to take it to heart, however, because it was Friday and time to get paid.
On Fridays, all the temporary workers had to print out timesheets and fax them into their respective agencies. For some reason I ran out of time sheets and I didn’t have a computer to print one, so I asked the young lady for one.
When I asked her to print out my time sheet, she said something like, “I work for RIC, and you’re CIR.” She then told me she couldn’t print anything for me since I was a temp.
I immediately felt embarrassed and confused. Since I still wanted to get paid, so I went and had the manager print out my timesheets. After that day, I wanted to crawl into a hole and not come back to work.
To help forget about that situation, I traveled to see a friend who lives on the East Coast. By the time I got back in town, I had another job offer on the table.
Do temps at other companies get treated the same way I was? Yes and no.
The very next week I spoke with a friend who was temping at a law firm in downtown Chicago. He told me as a temp employee in the IT department, he had a chance to talk with the CEO and other leaders in the company.
He talked of the employees being treat well because they can participate in casual dress Fridays and have access to the upper floors—where there are lounges for everyone at the company to socialize and enjoy the same catered foods that the executives eat. My friend is very happy with his current employer and he doesn’t plan to leave anytime soon.
Through my travels and experiences as well as hearing from friends, family members and acquaintances I have found out that each company has a different set of values, customs and a different culture. As both employee and employer we need to figure out who we are first—our own customs, values and cultures—in order to have a win-win situation for both parties.
Sometimes the employer-employee relationship hits rock bottom and isn’t a good fit. But that short-term disappointment may open the door for the opportunity around the corner that is a better fit.
Although both parties are disappointed, there shouldn’t be any display of resentment or disrespect toward each party because it can turn violent. The best thing to do is thank them for their time and walk away.
I believe that although many people believe we are in a recession, there are still opportunities for companies on a global scale to compete and become profitable. In the end, it will all depend on employees and the customers they serve—because they are company’s two most important weapons.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Pardon My Apathy
By Matthew C.K. Bradwell
Creative Editor
Ah baseball.
Pitchers and catchers that haven't already reported to camp will do so in the coming days, fantasy drafts will occur, some beat writer somewhere won't be able to resist the temptation to write a poem about baseball and show it to his baffled editor (my money is on Geoff Baker of the Seattle Times - he's notoriously optimistic and that paper always runs such heartwarming stories).
Yes, it's a magical time of year for baseball fans, the weather will soon warm up and the crack of the ball and-
I'm sorry I can't do this anymore. Most of the above events will happen and it's certainly nice and all but let's be serious, until an actual game is played, contemporary baseball news starts and stops in the courtroom.
At least for the time being, the game of mitts on hands and bats on balls takes a back seat to needles in butts and gavels on sound blocks (a sound block is the coaster a judge beats to shut people up - it's okay, I didn't know what it was called either).
Wednesday, the Roger Clemens "did he or didn't he" saga finally went to court as Clemens and McNamee squared off, each calling the other a liar. The whole ordeal was a lot of things, interesting was not one of them and we come away today with no new understanding of a seemingly complicated ordeal.
In case you weren't tuned into C-SPAN here's a quick rundown of what happened:
Clemens made funny faces.
McNamee was verbally abused, accused of lying, misleading investigators and eating small children.
Clemens made funny faces.
McNamee was accused of being a drug dealer.
Clemens made funny faces.
Clemens admitted his wife took HGH to shape up for the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
I made funny faces.
Clemens interrupted the Judge, the Judge yelled at Clemens to shut up and Clemens threw part of a broken bat at the judges head. I may have confused that last part with another incident of Roger Rage.
Then everyone went home with as much closure as they came in with and this won't be readdressed until the justice department decides to investigate which of the two lied.
And honestly I don't care.
So he cheated? Great, he's never going to pitch again, this won't affect any results on the field this season, and it's not like he was the only one.
Maybe I would be more compelled by this ordeal if I actually played baseball.
Mackinley Salk, an outfielder for the Columbia College Renegades said the hearings have left him "Heartbroken."
"It's a slap in the face, I grew up idolizing Roger Clemens," said Salk. Salk, 21, was a pitcher before being shifted to the outfield.
I see his perspective. I personally don't care, but I'd sure be heartbroken if I found out Will Lietch or Phil Sheridan were juicing.
Part-Time Expert Reader
Seeking computer-savvy Illinois, Indiana or Wisconsin residents who like to read. Stay-at-home-parents, freelancers, and retirees welcome! Do you want to work part time and contribute to an important service? We’re looking for people to screen online condolence messages in accordance with established guidelines. Positions start at $10/hour. hosts online obituaries for newspapers. Each obituary includes an online Guest Book where friends and family can submit messages to express their condolences or share memories. The primary task of this position is to read these messages before they are posted online to ensure that inappropriate or offensive material does not appear in our Guest Books.
Our ideal candidate has strong reading and decision-making skills, is self-motivated, fluent with email and the Internet, and has a 4-year degree or equivalent.
To view the Guest Books, visit our web site:
Available Shifts:
(20 hours/week; 5 four-hour shifts):
*5 a.m. - 9 a.m.*: Sunday - Thursday or Tuesday - Saturday
7 a.m.- 11 a.m.: Sunday - Thursday or Tuesday - Saturday
10 a.m.- 2 p.m.: Sunday - Thursday or Tuesday - Saturday
2 p.m.- 6 p.m.: Sunday - Thursday or Tuesday – Saturday
6 p.m. - 10 p.m.: Sunday - Thursday or Tuesday – Saturday
*Pay for the "early bird" shift starts at $11/hour.
Must be a resident of Illinois, Indiana or Wisconsin
Telecommuting requirements
(You must meet all telecommuting requirements to apply):
Must be able to travel to Evanston, Ill., at own expense for an in-person interview.
Must have a PC running Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP and high-speed Internet access (cable, DSL) in the home. Our remote access software is not compatible with Macintosh or Microsoft Vista machines at this time.
Must not have any conflicting responsibilities during shifts such as being the primary caregiver for a young child or elderly person.
In your cover letter, indicate your shift preference and explain why you want to work part-time. (Through experience, we have found that this position is too demanding in terms of the nature of the work and the time it takes for many people to hold in addition to a full-time job.)
Customer Service Representative – Full Time, Inc., seeks a customer service expert to help maintain our standard for excellence.
We're famous for our customer service. Our customers have given us such kudos as "faster than a speeding bullet," "best vendor in the free world," and "we need to clone you guys, and send the clones to staff all of our other vendors."
This is your chance to join our team.
The main responsibility of this position is to provide quality customer service to our Web site users and newspaper clients. Hours are 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The position is located in our downtown Evanston office. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume. In your cover letter, let us know your salary requirements. (For part-time customer service positions, see our "Customer Service Representative – Part Time" ad.)
· Handle phone and email inquiries from customers
· Maintain knowledge of product lines, services and company policies; communicate this knowledge in a clear, courteous, and professional manner
· Determine cause of problems and recommend solutions
· Understand the proper escalation procedures and use judgment to determine when escalation is appropriate
· Assist with review of Web site content
· At least 1 year customer service experience required; 3-5 years preferred
· Excellent written and verbal communication skills
· Decisiveness, sensitivity, problem solving
· Demonstrated attention to detail
· Comfort with Windows, Outlook and Office
· Handle sensitive information in mature fashion
· Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
Benefits include:
· Medical and dental insurance
· 401K plan
· Paid vacation
· Stock options
· Convenient downtown Evanston location near CTA and Metra; RTA and CTA pretax payroll deductions
· Casual dress every day
· Free coffee, tea, soda and snacks, and free weekly meal
· Annual holiday party and other company outings
· Friendly, team-oriented, open environment
· Opportunity for advancement/ great potential for career growth, Inc., a financially strong online media company founded in 1998, is the leader in online obituary and memorial products, serving more than 500 newspapers, including 45 of the largest 50 markets in the U.S. and a growing number of markets in Canada and the U.K. Visited by more than 10 million users each month, posts obituaries and Guest Books for more than half of all deaths in the U.S. each day. The company's mission is to use new media technology in expanding ways to celebrate people's lives.
Because of the high volume of responses we receive, we cannot answer each applicant individually. We will contact you if there is further interest.
For more information, and to view the Guest Books, visit our web site at
Account Business Manager
V&V Supremo Foods, Inc. is a well-established, leading manufacturer and distributor of premium quality authentic Mexican style food products including: cheeses, crema, chorizo and other products for retail and the food service industry nationwide. Headquartered in Chicago, the company is building the organization to support an aggressive, exciting expansion strategy.
We are seeking an Account Business Manager who is highly motivated, performance driven, and a self-starter to join our sales staff. You will be responsible for monitoring, maintaining, and strengthening relationships with existing accounts (B2B) as well as initiating contact with prospects and growing the customer base in your assigned territory. Ideal candidate is ambitious, willing to learn, competitive, and has previous perishable products experience.
Key Responsibilities
Develop and aggressively implement the territory’s strategic and tactical sales plans to gain and expand sales at assigned accounts to position V&V Supremo Foods, Inc. as a “value creating” supplier and business partner.
Develop and manage business relationships with key decision makers/influencers through effective account penetration to the highest level possible at Assigned account headquarter locations.
Proactively build senior level relationships, introduce new products, identify and gain agreement for immediate sales opportunities and marketing programs, review historical sales results and the value they have created for retail chains, and develop longer-term account development strategies by calling on these customers’ headquarter locations.
Work with direct supervisor to identify and prioritize Objectives, Goals, Strategy and Measures in order to build an effective and highly productive business plan for assigned accounts or expansion markets.
Develop, monitor, and support the implementation of agreed Account Business Plan including marketing and sales strategies, distribution agreements, merchandising plans, pricing and promotional strategies with assigned accounts.
Provide timely and accurate forecasts for all critical P&L line items including, sales budgets, deal spending, return and spoils issues.
Continuously collect competitive information, analyze data and identify implications/opportunity for business growth.
Provide information and insights back to Customer Marketing on competitive, market, customer trends, program success through ongoing reporting.
Act as an escalation point for resolving problems that negatively impact sales at assigned accounts.
· BS/BA or equivalent combination of education & experience
· 3 - 5 years experience in selling to consumer products accounts
· Prior experience in new product launch, account penetration, new customer start-up
· Knowledgeable of sales through distributors, brokers and DSD
· Strong sense of urgency and commitment to achieving results
· Proficiency with computer - MS Office and other forecasting/trade management systems
· Exceptional communication/presentation skills
· Bicultural understanding and awareness of Latino and American cultures (via their own ethnic background or experience in sales or marketing to an ethnic target market)
· Fluency in both English and Spanish (written and spoken) a plus
Forward your resume to
FAX resume to 312.491.2854
Equal Opportunity Employer
Public Affairs Administrative Assistant I / PUAF1818
Position Description:
February 14, 2008
The Dominick's Division's Public Affairs Department, located in Oakbrook, Illinois, has an opening for an Administrative Assistant I.
Qualifications: The following are preferred or desired unless specifically stated:
• High school diploma or G.E.D.
• Post high school course work or equivalent experience required relating to the mastery of computer/office systems skills.
• 5-7 years experience providing high level secretarial and administrative support in a professional business environment.
• Significant customer service experience, utilizing strong inter-personnel skills required.
• Considerable experience managing multiple and high level priorities simultaneously.
• Must be able to prioritize work assignments and be detail oriented.
• Mastery of all office systems skills (i.e., Word, Excel, Netscape).
• Highly developed inter-personal skills.
• Detailed knowledge of company operations, organizational procedures and personnel.
• Thorough knowledge of technical and business vocabulary.
Key Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
• Review and distribute department correspondence.
• Answer, screen, and direct telephone calls.
• Maintain daily calendars.
• Take notes and compose minutes from meetings.
• Make complex travel arrangements and arrange itinerary.
• Compose own correspondence.
• Edit and proof correspondence prepared by others.
• Participate in staff meetings and may participate in special committees or task forces.
• Responsible for researching/reporting variances between actual and planned budget on a fairly regular basis.
• Prepare on-going and special reports while obtaining necessary data and information from various sources.
• Process personnel-related transactions.
• Identify problems and conduct research necessary to assemble information for review.
• Develop presentation materials.
• Assist with and/or assume responsibility for a variety of small projects.
Salary range begins at $29,000. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Closing Date: February 28, 2008
Respond to: Resumes should be forwarded to the address detailed below.
Interested candidates can apply by submitting a resume through Both internal and external
candidates will be considered.
Bilingual Sales Representative
V&V Supremo Foods, Inc. is a well-established, leading manufacturer and distributor of premium quality authentic Mexican style food products including: cheeses, crema, chorizo and other products for retail and the food service industry nationwide. The Hispanic consumer market is one of the fastest growing markets.
Headquartered in Chicago, the company is expanding and is seeking a Bilingual Sales Representative who is proactive, motivated, over-achiever to join our sales team. You will be responsible for building business relationships that position V&V Supremo Foods, Inc. as a “value-creating” supplier and partner, ultimately becoming the category manager within an assigned territory. If you have a strong desire for success, interested in tremendous growth potential, and previous perishable products experience, we strongly encourage you to apply!
Grow and manage the assigned geographic territory to strengthen the brand position in the marketplace.
Responsible for implementing V&V sales programs and initiatives within the assigned territory
Ownership of accounts receivables and collections.
Work to establish long lasting relationships with customers to provide quality, freshness and service to the consumer.
Required Skills
BA or BS degree
Direct sales experience in consumer products industry preferred
Fluency in English and Spanish; Excellent written and oral communication skills
Hands-on and can-do commitment and attitude
Outside Business to Business sales experience and proven track record, including account management
Demonstrated time management skills, ability to set priorities
PC literacy in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point
This is an excellent opportunity to be a part of the company's growth!!!
Forward your resume to with salary requirements.
FAX resume to 312.491.2854
7 Must Know Ways To Prevent Spam
Written by: Timothy Rudon
Spam is the bane of everyone’s existence. Unsolicited mail flooding mail boxes has caused many problems world wide. The widely accepted definition of spam is “Electronic communication that contains material of a commercial, solicitational, or illegal nature, directed as part of bulk distribution to any address.”
The first step towards fighting spam is to learn how spam works. A useful source is CAUCE or the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email and the SpamCon Foundation. Log on to the World Wide Web and read about ant-spam laws, government stand against spam, and coalitions that are working towards prevention of spamming. Be sure to take part in anti-spam community efforts by joining forums and groups.
Spam can be prevented from entering your mail box by:
1. Determining the IP address of the sender and blocking it.
2. Use blacklist services like SBL ( that maintain lists of IP addresses that are know originators of spammers. Blacklist services are efficient in blocking spam as they use the latest methods in preventing spam.
3. Use the spam guard services offered by email services like gmail and yahoo.
4. White list services where only mail from known addresses are approved by the recipient.
5. Use heuristic engines that look for keyword patterns that match know spam rules and block messages that contain known patterns. Well known heuristic engines include SpamAssassin that has a high detection rate.
6. Networked vigilance an open source initiative that involves continued maintenance of a data base and then the mail server asks a centralized VR node, Vipul’s razor for spam listings.
7. Using Bayesian filtering engines like SpamBayes , This has its uses as well as downside.
Spam can also be blocked by configuring anti-virus software to scan emails for viruses. Desist from leaving your email address over the internet and signing up for freebies and news letters. Use a separate email account for this purpose. Stay abreast of anti-spam efforts and adopt the latest possible anti-virus software and firewall systems. Never open mails from people unknown to you and immediately report spam mails to the mail host/provider. Try standalone spam filtering software like Qurb eTrust Anti-Spam, iHate Spam, Spam Bully.
Experts at PC World reported that almost 75 percent of email is spam mail and that in their study they found that SpamCatcher was one of the most affordable and simplest of anti-spam tools. Another notable product was InBoxer which works only with Out Look.
Fighting spam is a world wide war and efforts are being made by software manufacturers, search engines, lay persons, as well as others.
About The Author
Timothy Rudon is a writer for , the premier website to find antispam, anti antispam spam, antispam software, antispam new york, solution virusand, antispam exchange, antispam microsoft, antispam free software many more.
Source: articlecity
Friday, February 15, 2008
Project Coordinator
Neighborhood: Loop
Job Type: Full-time
UIC College of Engineering, Dept. of Computer Science seeks an individual to implement project priorities, set goals & objectives for subordinates in the ongoing process of a project. Will manage human & material resources; develop instructional materials in formal/informal settings in support of K-16 student learning in science & technology; evaluate/develop interactive learning environments. Responsible for software development, graphic design & modeling, project mgmt & coordination, interfacing w/domain specialist. Requires Masters in computer visualization or related field & 2 yrs exp in science education working w/hardware & software technologies for advanced visualization systems. Good interpersonal, verbal & written presentation skills req’d; Spanish language skills pref’d. Travel may be required. For fullest consideration, send cover letter, resume & contact info of 3 references to Imelda Baker, 851 S. Morgan St., SEO Rm. 1116, Chicago, IL 60607. Deadline is 03/21/08. AA/EOE.
Social Worker, Spanish Speaking
Neighborhood: Logan Square
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: $34,000
Responsibilities: Assist in the provision of social work services to children and families with the basic goal of enhancing their abilities to function independently. The Social Worker will provide head start mental health services as assigned. Participate in staffings by making observations of the child and obtaining and sharing relevant family background information. Work collaboratively to integrate services with all departments, staff and volunteers. Conduct intake screenings of new families and individual clients from Christopher House programs, schools in the CH site areas and the community at large, in coordination with the Director of SWS. Make observations and assessments of children and their families. Contribute to the development of the treatment plan(s) and by implementing the social service portion of the plan. Provide individual, family and group therapy to children, adolescents and their families. Decide frequency, focus and duration of counseling on a case by case basis. Provide consultation to Teachers and to Christopher House staff members regarding specific children and specific treatment issues. Make home visits to clients when appropriate. Manage each case, with necessary documentation including outcome evaluation data and casework activity summaries. Report results to the Director, SWS. Seek advice when needed in clinical issues from the Director, SWS.
Qualifications: Minimum of two years of experience in a social service agency in individual and family therapy. Bilingual in Spanish required.
Education: Master’s Degree in Social Work, a Master of Science in Counseling, and an LCSW or LCPC eligibility.
Respond with cover letter and resume to: Donald Halperin, Director, Social Work Services 2507 N Greenview Chicago, IL 60614 Fax: 773-472-1083 Email:
Christopher House is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Male and Female Non-Smokers Needed for Research Study
Neighborhood: Hyde Park/ Kenwood
Job Type: Temp/Contract
Salary: 200
Male and female non-smokers needed to participate in a study on the effects of drugs on mood and performance. The study consists of an orientation and two study sessions and pays $200. If you are 18-35-years-old and in good health, please email or call 773.702.3560.
Please note: You will receive a quicker response if you contact us by email. Thanks.