"God Bless the Dream, the Dreamer and the Result." 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Outsourcing Still Alive and Well

Reports of the death of outsourcing have been greatly exaggerated, three specialists in the field write in strategy+business. While a few big companies such as Dell and Apple have scaled back on customer service operations overseas, these decisions remain the exception to the rule, no matter what you read in the mainstream business press. The practice simply makes too much economic sense to disappear.

Three-fourths of 600 US companies said they plan to increase customer service outsourcing for a host of reasons, including rising fuel prices and a lack of skilled workers in this country. Yes, the costs of offshore labor are rising, but the "sheer number of new entrants into the skilled labor pool in developing countries will keep offshore labor prices competitive relative to the US for the foreseeable future."

1 comment:

katty said...

Now a days outsourcing services are most important in every business organization, I'm agreed that it's still alive. Outsourcing strategies have been widely accepted in order to reduce expenses, improve productivity, operations management, and delivery, and concentrate on upgrading the company’s technological expertise.
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