"God Bless the Dream, the Dreamer and the Result." 

Monday, May 5, 2008

Let's talk, shall we?

Normally, I'm all for up-to-the-second updates, but I wanted have the benefit of (a little bit of) perspective before we got into this.

This happened on Tuesday, kind of grew wild legs on the Blogosphere by Wednesday, and has steadily cooled off since. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's Buzz Bissinger arguing at Deadspin editor Will Lietch that blogs are contributing to the dumbing down of America.

Unfortunately I can't embed the video so you'll have to go to the above link to check it out.

After you've watched it Joboja community, I want to know what you think. Whether you're on this website as a reader, contributor or potential sponsor, you're actively part of the Blogosphere. Although the debate they're having is about sports journalism, it speaks to concerns about all aspects of new media.

A few things before we get started. If you're wondering my take on what's being discussed you can find it here. I wrote that two weeks before Buzz-Gate, and my opinion hasn't changed (although I would have been a little less snarky had I known how serious the issue was going to get in the near future). Also, if this is your first impression of Buzz Bissinger, don't let it scare you away from his work. He is a great writer who has written a lot of great books (most famously Friday Night Lights), and on most occasions (with the noted exception of his Vanity Fair piece on Mumia Abu-Jamal) he keeps a fair perspective.

I agree with Lietch that the great thing about the web is it's a meritocracy, so here's our meritocratic open forum.

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