"God Bless the Dream, the Dreamer and the Result." 

Monday, May 19, 2008

Late post today Jobojers (get it, that's you reader. I'm sorry, I won't call you that again). I hope you got through your Monday workday without Will and I to guide you through. I promise it won't happen again. But just think, your Tuesday will be twice as good.

Here's what's happened around the web while you were diligently filing TPS reports:

If you know who Richard Kelly and the Arcade Fire are this is fun news. If not, well then it's totally meaningless.

Whew. For a second I thought Will and I were busted.

It comes with French Fried Pertaters, mmm hmm!

Pitchfork gives an ambiguous go nowhere review! Stop the presses!

A grim reminder about gas prices.

Dusty Baker still does not understand how baseball works.

To protect and serve. And kick the shit out of the helpless, black.

Harry Knowles reviews the new Indy movie. I have not read the review because it contains spoilers. Obligatory fat joke about Knowles, old joke about Ford.

Turkey does its best Chicago impression.

Bill Simmons?
I'll be keeping a close eye on this as it progresses.

My reign of terror comes to an end tomorrow, I hope you've enjoyed our time together!

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